That hand should be over an inch. Or his head more to the right. Also more fire. And, somehow, it isn't _bright_ enough. But it is Monday enough, and too little Sunday, so I suppose I'm done, and nary too soon for my sanity.
Smells, for all their lymbic potency, are absent from pictures. Pictures must be sad about this.
...Wait, what? Nevermind. The topic was Malodorous. I tried to get by without stink lines or flies. After staring at it for a few hours, I'm not really certain what I think of the outcome.
I'm an game artist at Hi-Rez Studios in Alpharetta, GA. These are things I make for funzos and practice in my spare time. And I guess every once and a while something from the game they let me show. :) Thanks fer stoppin' by. Watch out for wolves.